List of Common Fees

Here is a list of the most common procedures and their fees performed at Page Dental Arts as in compliance with Colorado Legislation SB 17-065. (updated Feb 2024)

CDT Code Code Nomenclature Description Standard Fee
D0150 COMPREHENSIVE ORAL EVALUATION Complete Oral Exam/New Patient Exam $140
D0140 LIMITED ORAL EVALUATION-PROBLEM FOCUSED Emergency/Single Problem Exam $123
D1110 PROPHYLAXIS-ADULT Basic Cleaning – Adult $139
D1120 PROPHYLAXIS-CHILD Basic Cleaning – Child under 14 $103
D4910 PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Cleaning for Patients w/ History of Gum Disease $205
D0274 BITEWINGS-FOUR FILMS Cavity Detecting X-rays (Series of 4) $98
D0272 BITEWINGS-TWO FILMS Cavity Detecting X-rays (Series of 2) $67
D2392 RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE-TWO SURFACE, POST. White Filling (Composite Resin), up to 2 Surfaces $373
D2391 RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE-ONE SURFACE, POST. White Filling (Composite Resin), Single Surface $294
D1351 SEALANT-PER TOOTH Application of Sealant, per Tooth $87
D4342 PERIODONTAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANNING: 1-3 TEETH/QUAD Deep cleaning to treat gum disease in one area, less than 3 teeth $289

DISCLAIMER: Fees listed are for individual services and should not be used as a quote for actual treatment. Multiple services may be needed for actual treatment. Actual fees for any visit are dependent on which services are needed, including any complications or exceptional treatment, at the time of the visit. Common Fees listed do not include any discounts or insurance write-offs or coverage that you may apply to your situation.

If you are covered by health insurance or a dental plan, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your insurer or request a preauthorization prior to treatment to determine accurate information about your financial responsibility. If you are not covered by health insurance or a dental plan, you are strongly encouraged to contact our office at 303-794-4542 to discuss costs prior to receiving treatment since posted fees may not reflect the actual amount of your financial responsibility.

Dental Terms

Please take a moment to learn more about these dental industry terms.

Abscess – is an infection. Dental abscesses can occur in the gum or within the jaw bone. It may be associated with swelling, redness, pain or pus in the area.

Amalgam Filling – A combination of silver, tin, copper, zinc and mercury that is placed into the area where a cavity or dental decay was removed. At Page Dental Arts, we do not use these filling types, though we recognize they remain a safe and protective treatment against tooth decay.

Arestin – A powdered form of minocycline, which may be used in conjunction with a deep cleaning or periodontal maintenance cleaning in order to treat an area of gum disease (periodontal disease). Arestin is considered a localized antibiotic therapy.

Bite – the formation made when the upper and lower sets of teeth meet.

Care Credit – A financing program which allows patients to establish monthly payment plans that offer a low or zero percent interest rate for health care services.

Composite Resin Filling – Tooth-colored fillings that are bonded to the tooth or placed in an area where a Cavity was removed.

CPAP – A continuous positive airway pressure appliance that provides a constant flow of pressurized air via a fitted mask worn by the patient during sleep.

Dental Exam – An evaluation of current dental health that includes visual examination, patient questions and x-ray evaluation.

Dental Prophylaxis – A procedure performed by a dentist or dental hygienist to remove plaque, tartar and stains from the teeth using hand instruments or ultrasonic instruments. Tools are moved along teeth surfaces in order to dislodge plaque or tartar buildup. Otherwise known as a dental cleaning.

Denture – A removable type of dental restoration that rests on the gum tissue. Dentures are used to replace multiple missing teeth.

Diagnostic Services – Procedures that are performed to help detect or assess the risk for any dental disease. These procedures also evaluate for the presence of infection, cancer, or any abnormal cysts or growths that can occur in the mouth. Diagnostic services can include exams and dental x-rays.

Fluoride – A naturally-occurring ion, which exists in food and certain water sources, that has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of cavities in children and adults.

Gingivitis – A condition where a patient has inflammation in their gum tissue. The gums may be tender and more red and bleed more easily. Gingivitis is usually caused by a build up or plaque or tartar and can be treated with a dental cleaning and improved home care.

Oral Cancer Screening – A visual examination of the soft tissue within the mouth for the purpose of identifying abnormal growth(s) and/or changes in color/texture of the soft tissue.

Periodontist – A dental specialist who treats periodontitis and other gum diseases/problemss.
Periodontal Disease – A condition that affects the gums which can range from simple gum inflammation to serious damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. Also known as gum disease.

Periodontal Pocket – the space or distance between where gum tissues around the tooth starts and where the bone around the tooth starts. This is a space that can be measured to determine the health of the gum tissue and the supporting bone around a tooth.

Plaque – A film formed by colonizing bacteria, which develops on teeth. Color of plaque can vary between white, yellow, orange or even greenish. Plaque can be removed with a dental cleaning and good home care practices.

Porcelain Bridge – Is a dental restoration made of porcelain that replaces a missing tooth or teeth. It uses the teeth on either side of the missing tooth and connects these teeth together.

Porcelain Crown – Is a dental restoration that is made of porcelain that covers the top part of the tooth and around the tooth. It helps to restore its proper size, shape and position. A crown may be recommended for large cavities/large fillings that are defective, tooth fracture or a tooth that has had a root canal procedure.

Porcelain Veneer – A thin layer of porcelain bonded to the front surface of the tooth, used to close spaces between teeth, correct misaligned teeth, cover severely stained or discolored teeth or to restore severely chipped teeth.

Preventative Care – Dental procedures that are performed to help prevent dental diseases such as cavities or gum disease. Preventative services include cleanings, sealants, and fluoride treatments.

Pulpotomy – A procedure, typically completed on children, that removes a cavity along with the top portion of pulp within the tooth due to severe decay.

Scalers – is a hand-held tool which removes plaque, tartar and other buildup or stain.

Sealant – A protective coating that is placed on the biting surface of molar teeth to help prevent tooth decay. Sealants are usually used on children when their permanent molars first erupt, typically at around age 6 and then again at age 12.

Tartar – is plaque that has remained on teeth for a longer period of time and has hardened or mineralized. Tartar cannot be removed by a toothbrush and required a professional cleaning or care.

Tempromandibular joint (TMJ) – the joint connection between the lower jaw bone and skull which is critical to biting and chewing.

Tooth Bonding – A cosmetic procedure performed on the front teeth used to correct small chips, close small spaces or change the shape of the tooth.

Tooth Recontouring – A cosmetic procedure performed on the front teeth whereby a dental hand piece is used to selectively remove or polish enamel.

Tooth Decay – A condition where bacteria de-mineralizes the tooth, leaving it soft instead of hard. This condition usually occurs as a result of acidic toxins which break down the tooth’s enamel. Also called cavity or caries.

Tooth Whitening – A procedure where a gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the tooth over 2-4 applications, resulting in brighter, whiter teeth.


How often should I see the dentist?

Different patients have different risk factors for dental diseases, and this should be what determines how often check ups and cleanings are needed. We recommend that your dentist or dental hygienist tailor your cleaning and check up schedule to your own needs.

In general, most patients will benefit from check ups and cleanings every 6 months, however patients with increased risk for dental problems (such as a history of gum disease or certain medical conditions) should come in more often at your dentist’s or hygienist’s discretion.

Fluoride is a natural mineral in our environment. Fluoride is one of the best and safest ways we have to prevent cavities in children and adults. Fluoride can help prevent cavities two ways: Before teeth erupt, the fluoride taken in from foods, beverages and dietary supplements makes tooth enamel stronger, making it more resistant to tooth decay. After teeth erupt, fluoride helps rebuild (remineralize) weakened tooth enamel and reverses early signs of tooth decay.

We recommend that children have their first dental visit by their first birthday. We are happy to see children at this early age to evaluate their growth and development and make sure parents are aware of good oral hygiene habits for this age group.

Yes, baby teeth can still develop cavities, which can lead to pain or infection. Pain can lead to poor nutrition and poor sleep, which will affect a child’s overall growth and development. Cavities can also spread to other teeth, including underlying or adjacent permanent teeth.

We recommend using fluoridated toothpaste as soon as the first baby tooth erupts, however, we only recommend using a small smear of toothpaste, the size of a grain of rice. Once the child can adequately spit out (which may be around age 3 or 4), then you may use the size of a pea.

Sealants are a thin, protective coating (made from plastic or other dental materials) that adheres to the chewing surface of your back (molar) teeth. Sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of cavities on molar teeth by 80%. We recommend sealants be placed on the permanent molars when they first erupt, typically at age 6-7 and again at age 12-13.

We recommend that you brush at least twice a day and floss once a day.

Studies have shown an electric toothbrushes can be more effective at removing plaque than manual toothbrushes when used correctly. It can also be beneficial for patients with decreased hand dexterity. If an electric toothbrush fits your budget, it is a great way to improve your oral health.

Dentists use x-rays to help diagnose damage and disease that is not visible by sight alone during a regular dental exam as well as to help determine the severity of any dental disease that is present. By knowing this, we can determine the best type of treatment needed.

How often X-rays should be taken depends on your present oral health, your age, your risk for dental disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease. Dentists take precautions to ensure that the level of radiation exposure is as low as possible — “As Low As Reasonable Achievable” (the ALARA principle).

In general, routine x-rays to check for cavities and other dental diseases may be recommended anywhere between 6 months to 36 months. A full mouth set of x-rays may be recommended once every three to five years. Additionally, x-rays may be needed to evaluate cases of trauma or dental pain, evaluate growth and development of children and teens, monitor teeth that have had root canal treatment, and monitor implants that have been placed.

Page Dental Arts only places composite (“white”) fillings.

At Page Dental Arts, we can offer Nitrous Oxide sedation (“laughing gas”) during any appointment for patients who have dental anxiety. This is available for children as well as adults.

It is recommended you change your toothbrush (manual) or toothbrush head (electric) every 3 months as well as after any cold or flu-type illness.

Antimicrobial mouthwashes, such as Listerine, can help patients with gingivitis and periodontal disease by reducing bacteria when used as part of a routine oral hygiene regimen. Fluoride mouthwashes, such as ACT, can help to prevent cavities when used as part of routine oral hygiene regimen. However, remember that mouthwash will NOT replace regular brushing and flossing.

We generally recommend fluoridated toothpastes that have the ADA seal. Some toothpastes offer formulations that help reduce sensitivity and stain. We recommend you ask your dental hygienist if these are right for you.

There can be many indications of dental disease including: mouth sores, redness, swollen gums, gums that bleed easily, tooth sensitivity, tooth pain, and bad taste or odor in mouth. These signs should not be ignored and when in doubt, we always encourage you to come in for evaluation.

Our mission at Page Dental Arts is to help all of our patients have a smile that brings them joy.